What we are:

We are a small group, mostly members of Strathkinness Parish Church but also from surrounding churches, who meet together once a month for good, wide ranging, open-minded discussion based on the book we chose to read that month.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

March - April 2006

Easter People in a Good Friday World

"Blessed are the peace makers" (Matthew 5:9). What does it take to be a peacemaker in our violent world? This ecumenical Lent course takes us in five sessions through Jesus' way to the Cross, to stories of hope and transformation of violent situations locally and in the wider world.

Easter People in a Good Friday World is a contribution to the World Council of Churches' Decade for Overcoming Violence 2001-2010. Designed for local and frequently ecumenical, groups, it may be used by Christian groups at any time of year.